Unlimited is a funding programme for new work by disabled artists, funded by Arts Council England, Arts Council Wales, British Council, Spirit 2012. Since 2013 it has been delivered by Shape Arts and Artsadmin, with Jo Verrent as Senior Producer. As Project Manager 2014-2020 based at Artsadmin in London, I managed the growth and development of the commissioning fund, including: commissioning processes, callout and selection processes, artistic development activity, showcasing work, partnerships development and management, allies network set-up and growth. I managed the international strand of the project 2015-2018, including international collaborative commissions.

Learning highlights include: how to embed access and inclusion throughout any and all processes, the power of partnerships to deliver sector and societal change, the impact art making processes and products have on perceptions and culture.

Visit Unlimited’s website to find out about their eclectic commissions touring internationally.

A selection of publishings during my time at Artsadmin & Unlimited:

Demystifying Access: a resource pack for the performing arts

New Pathways Through Partnerships

Funding Advice for Artists: Budgets

Insights from the Inside (page 41)

Noemi Lakmaier’s ‘Cherophobia’ at Southbank Centre’s Unlimited Festival. Photo by Grace Gelder for Unlimited

Noemi Lakmaier’s ‘Cherophobia’ at Southbank Centre’s Unlimited Festival. Photo by Grace Gelder for Unlimited